
Boltzmann-Arrhenius-Zhurkov equation and its applications in electronics-and-photonics reliability physics problems

Ephraim Suhir

Application of Boltzmann-Arrhenius-Zhurkov (BAZ) equation in Electronics-and-Photonics (EP) Reliability - Physics (RP) problems enables quantifying, on the probabilistic basis, the performance (actually, the never-zero probability of failure under the anticipated loading conditions and after the given time in operation) of an EP material, thereby making a viable device into a reliable product, with the predicted, adequate and, when necessary and appropriate, even specifi ed probability of failure in the fi eld. The following EP RP problems are addressed with an objective to show the signifi cance and attributes of the approach based on the BAZ equation: 1) An EP package subjected to the combined action of two or more stressors (such as, say, elevated humidity and voltage); 2) Three- Step Concept (TSC) in modeling reliability, when the RP-based BAZ equation is sandwiched between two well-known statistical models - Bayes Formula (BF) and Beta - Distribution (BD); 3) static fatigue of an optical silica fi ber intended for high-temperature applications; 4) lowcycle fatigue life-time of solder joint interconnections; 5) life-time of electron devices predicted from the yield information; 6) some important aspects of Burn- In Testing (BIT) of manufactured EP products comprised of many mass-produced components, with an objective is to shed, using BAZ equation, some quantitative light on the RP of the BIT process. The general concepts and analyses are illustrated by practical numerical examples.
