
The laparoscopic solution in a case of congenital cystic duct anomaly: a case report and review of the literature

Kiril G. Kirov

Isolated congenital cystic duct absence is a very rare pathology of the biliary tract. A comprehensive review of the patients identified in the literature available is presented. Traditionally, open surgery such as retrograde or anterograde cholecystectomy is performed. A 53-year old patient in whom during laparoscopic cholecystectomy a missing cystic duct has been diagnosed is reported to illustrate the effectiveness of a new laparoscopic approach. This approach consists of the laparoscopic resection of the gallbladder with a linear stapler, leaving a small segment of it as a simple choledochoplasty. After a detailed literature review inaccessible publications, we have not found another report presenting such a laparoscopic approach, and we also note the extremely small number of cases of missing cystic duct that has been reported so far. We believe that this laparoscopic method can validate and prove its effectiveness and be useful in the field of laparoscopic surgery.
