
Trends of preventive healthcare utilizations in the type 2 diabetes in asian americans versus whites using behavioral risk factors surveillance system 2002-2013 data

Fengxia yan*, Yonggang Li, Gengsheng Qin, Robert Mayberry & Pamula Daniels

Objective: To examine the diabetes self-management and management with healthcare providers trends in Asian Americans compared to Non-Hispanic white.

Research Method: National telephone survey data BRFSS was used to analyze the trend. Total 372532 participants were used for our final analyses which included 6640 Asians and 365892 whites. SAS survey procedures were constructed to show the difference between Asian and whites.

Results: An increase trend of type 2 diabetes over 12 years was observed in both Asian and white. There was no significant difference of diabetes rate between Asian and white from the raw data while Asian was almost 50% more likely to have type2 diabetes after adjusting age, gender and BMI. There were increase trend in self-checking blood sugar and feet as well as HbA1C checking at least twice a year and checking feet with doctor at least a year. Asian was 50- 60% less likely to perform self-checking management including blood sugar and feet check. There were no significant difference of routine checkup, eye and feet checkup with doctors within past year as well as checking HbA1C at least twice a year.

Conclusion: Increase trend was observed in some diabetes management even though several management rates were very low in both Asian and white. Asian Americans were less likely to perform self-checking.
